Heltec Wireless Stick

Is there any plans to support the Heltec Wireless Stick (with display)? I purchased this thinking it might work as a base station, but now I am thinking I may return it.

The lite without the display is the model that is supported

sorry for necromancing, but what is this Heltec Wirelss Stick with display? I’ve only seen Heltec’s LoRa 32 with display, and their Wireless Stick and Wireless Stick Lite without. The LoRa 32 is supported.

His comment was clarifying that the Wireless Stick Lite (without the display) is supported unlike the Wireless Stick (small display) which isn’t supported.

I’m sorry for the confusion, I was mistakenly convinced the Wireless Stick didn’t have a display. Never noticed it on the pictures, thanks for the explanation!

Hey Folks,
I got a bunch of Heltec Wireless Stick Lite (V1 I think) and some Heltec Wireless Shell devices.

Now I‘m wondering about meshtastic. They are not working with the web flash tool. There are some pieces about them in the meshtastic documentation….

So I‘m thinking of compiling meshtastic by myself for that boards but I can‘t find the old board definitions in the github repositorys from meshtastic …

Anyone tried this devices or have them up and running right now?