For people doing development

The github automated continuous integration tests are now more strict.

In the past we just tested that your pull request would still build for a few different targets (esp32, nrf52 and linux (for devices like the PineTab). But our simulator build (‘native’) can now run almost all of the real device code - including a simulated ‘wifi’ interface. Using this new wifi interface we can run meshtastic-python to confirm that the device code ‘works’ and can talk to real API clients.

If you are curious how this looks, here’s a successful build (the interesting part is under “integration build”):


Oh that is very cool. Does that mean we can write & run unit tests in the not so distant future?


And we’ll even be able to fire up n nodes connected via a lossy ether and do robust topology tests using the real device code.


Sweet I was just about start asking about using the API via TCP/IP.

Btw. The API over wifi has been in for a while (just use TCPInterface in the python API) - this is just a simulated ‘arduino’ computer running on the Linux machine itself.