Flashing problem

I have installed ESP home, and downloaded the firmware zip, un zipped into a folder. Opened ESP, plugged in the T-Beam V1.1. with no battery installed. PC finds driver and driver works each one has its own coms port. Browse in ESP for firmware-tbeam-US-1.1.0.bin select coms port and then hit flash ESP and am getting the same message;

Using ‘COM12’ as serial port.
Unexpected error: ESP Chip Auto-Detection failed: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Timed out waiting for packet header

Yes, it has a pre-install and it works on all three of my nods. Have tested them and they do send text back and forth.

Cheers Scott

I have the same problem with my ttgo v1.1
Restart your computer, and try again.
It is a com port error.
Make sure the drivers are the right ones.
In the ttgo site you will find the right one for your version.
Disconnect your ttgo before restarting your computer

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thanks will try that. Cheers Scott

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No joy it did not work, any other suggestions? Cheer Scott

@scott1, might sound like an ignorant question. Have you tried a different USB cable? I was having a problem with my Tbeam when I first got them. 1 particular cable would not connect to the computer. It showed it charging, but no coms.


It seems like you have the correct drivers but it can’t hurt to run the driver installer here https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers

Hello. I was having this problem while flashing an esp32 module. After starting the firmware, I pressed and held the boot button on the module. After that, the program detected the module and flashed it successfully.

Yes Satkiwii I have tried two PC and three cables

Thanks Dafeman will try that.

Ivanov I did not hold any buttons, was I supposed to?

Refer to this thread for a better solution where I replied some time ago

I had this error “Timed out waiting for packet header” when trying to flash an esp32 board in Ubuntu, where esptool was installed via package management. I’ve tried out some additional options in the flash script, which didn’t help. Then I’ve downloaded a more recent version of esptool.py (just that one file) from GitHub - espressif/esptool: Espressif SoC serial bootloader utility and saved it directly into the firmware folder, after that flashing succeeded without errors.