Disable onboard Status LEDs?


is it possible to disable the onboard LEDs of the Heltec board at the moment or do I have to build my own firmware editing the code? Think this would be a nice feature for both, a repeater node and a handheld device.

I dont want a plane landing nearby while looking for good exposition of the antenna :wink:

Currently you would have to edit and build the firmware yourself. But with the addition of a repeater mode in the pipeline, I’m sure it’ll be an option/LED’s disabled (for repeater mode anyway).

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It looks like for now your best bet is to adjust the LED_PIN lines to be undefined.
Should be able to do that here depending on which board you have.

I agree that should be an option mode (perhaps dark_mode) where no lights are enabled.

thanks @zjwhitehead, good to know. For now I had no free time to build a firmware. For my heltec boards I will uncomment line 216, great.

But I’m afraid, there is a second red LED which is switched on all the time. Need to find out whether it is connected to 5V net or a IO pin.

see https://github.com/Heltec-Aaron-Lee/WiFi_Kit_series/blob/master/SchematicDiagram/WiFi_LoRa_32(V2)/WIFI_LoRa_32_V2(868-915).PDF

D4 is connected to 5V and D6 to GPIO25. So i need to remove the LED or cover it or maby power the device by an LiPo, then I think there is no component for 5V generation. Looks like a charging indicator though.

I permanently get rid of power LEDs or their resistor (whichever is easiest) by physically them, once I know the board works okay. A little blow with the rework heatgun or a small soldering iron will save you a few mAmpH. The cold an ugly solution of flicking it off the board with a screwdriver might also work.oouahh!

Yeah, I think removing the resistors and solder them on one side only is the way to go. In this case they remain on the board and won’t get lost til I want to to revert to original state one time.

I removed both LEDs, because I only could find the resistor for the charging indicator LED, because there seems to be no PCB layout available.

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