Alpha tester thread (1.1.8 device code ready for alpha testing) 🙂

Thanks, it worked through USB from Windows 10. It looks like the --setpref is now just --set

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I installed python and the metastatic python script on a computer last night.
I was comparing my output to this post from September 1’st (Them:0.9.3,Me:1.1.5):

I noticed that my preferences section does not contain “position_broadcast_secs” to verify whether the new setting was accepted. My preferences section only contains 2 settings, while theirs contains 9.
Is this functioning as expected in 1.1.5?

Also, when I enter:
meshtastic --info
My Tbeam shows the bootup screen.
Is this expected?

I think the rebooting when connecting to the python api is normal. I’ve also noticed sometimes not all the preferences are shown. Perhaps in this case it’s still using the default value?

Their original used “setpref”, but my python script rejected it, but appeared to accept “set” instead:
meshtastic --setpref position_broadcast_secs 60
usage: meshtastic [-h] [–port PORT] [–host HOST] [–seriallog SERIALLOG] [–info] [–qr] [–set SET SET] [–setstr SETSTR SETSTR] [–setchan SETCHAN SETCHAN] [–seturl SETURL] [–dest DEST] [–sendtext SENDTEXT] [–reply] [–settime]
[–debug] [–test] [–ble BLE] [–noproto] [–set-router] [–unset-router]
meshtastic: error: unrecognized arguments: --setpref position_broadcast_secs 60

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The python script was originally written to support just integers for preferences, but that was updated to support strings as well – that needed the change in parameter names.

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If I do the commands all at once:
meshtastic --set position_broadcast_secs 60 --set wait_bluetooth_secs 28800 --info
, I get those settings in the preferences.

If I just do:
meshtastic --info
right after, those settings disappear from preferences displayed.
I’m guessing that that behavior could be a bug, unless there is a better explanation for it.

Commands performed below:

meshtastic --set position_broadcast_secs 60 --set wait_bluetooth_secs 28800 --info
Connected to radio
Setting position_broadcast_secs to 60
Setting wait_bluetooth_secs to 28800
Writing modified preferences to device
my_node_num: 2988158868
has_gps: true
num_channels: 13
region: “1.0-US”
hw_model: “tbeam”
firmware_version: “1.1.5”
packet_id_bits: 32
current_packet_id: 21002201
node_num_bits: 32
message_timeout_msec: 300000
min_app_version: 172

preferences {
position_broadcast_secs: 60
wait_bluetooth_secs: 28800
ls_secs: 300
region: US
channel_settings {
modem_config: Bw125Cr48Sf4096
psk: “\324\361\273: )\007Y\360\274\377\253\317Ni\277”
name: “Default”

Channel URL
Nodes in mesh:
{‘num’: 2988158868, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21baf94’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen Pocket af94’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHP’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG6+U’}, ‘position’: {‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘time’: 1603275667}}
{‘num’: 2988158384, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21badb0’, ‘longName’: ‘Beth Pedersen Car adb0’, ‘shortName’: ‘BPC’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG62w’}, ‘snr’: 9.75}
{‘num’: 2988158860, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21baf8c’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen af8c’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHa’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG6+M’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1603133763}, ‘snr’: 10.5}
{‘num’: 2988157988, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21bac24’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen ac24’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHa’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG6wk’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1603135035}, ‘snr’: 9.25}
{‘num’: 2988159228, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21bb0fc’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen b0fc’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHb’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG7D8’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1603133706}, ‘snr’: 11.0}
{‘num’: 862638177, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!c44f336ad061’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen M8N d061’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHM’, ‘macaddr’: ‘xE8zatBh’}, ‘position’: {‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘time’: 1603135214}, ‘snr’: 12.5}
{‘num’: 2988159600, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21bb270’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen b270’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHb’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG7Jw’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1603135831}, ‘snr’: 8.75}
{‘num’: 2988158304, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21bad60’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen Car ad60’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHC’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG61g’}, ‘position’: {‘altitude’: 16, ‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘latitudeI’: 484539458, ‘longitudeI’: -1233738644, ‘time’: 1603163052, ‘latitude’: 48.4539458, ‘longitude’: -123.37386439999999}, ‘snr’: 10.25}

meshtastic --info
Connected to radio
my_node_num: 2988158868
has_gps: true
num_channels: 13
region: “1.0-US”
hw_model: “tbeam”
firmware_version: “1.1.5”
packet_id_bits: 32
current_packet_id: 1590121178
node_num_bits: 32
message_timeout_msec: 300000
min_app_version: 172

preferences {
ls_secs: 300
region: US
channel_settings {
modem_config: Bw125Cr48Sf4096
psk: “\324\361\273: )\007Y\360\274\377\253\317Ni\277”
name: “Default”

Channel URL
Nodes in mesh:
{‘num’: 2988158868, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21baf94’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen Pocket af94’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHP’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG6+U’}, ‘position’: {‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘time’: 1603275860}}
{‘num’: 2988158384, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21badb0’, ‘longName’: ‘Beth Pedersen Car adb0’, ‘shortName’: ‘BPC’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG62w’}, ‘snr’: 9.75}
{‘num’: 2988158860, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21baf8c’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen af8c’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHa’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG6+M’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1603275740}, ‘snr’: 10.75}
{‘num’: 2988157988, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21bac24’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen ac24’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHa’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG6wk’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1603275768}, ‘snr’: 13.75}
{‘num’: 2988159228, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21bb0fc’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen b0fc’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHb’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG7D8’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1603133706}, ‘snr’: 11.0}
{‘num’: 862638177, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!c44f336ad061’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen M8N d061’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHM’, ‘macaddr’: ‘xE8zatBh’}, ‘position’: {‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘time’: 1603275693}, ‘snr’: 9.5}
{‘num’: 2988159600, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21bb270’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen b270’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHb’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG7Jw’}, ‘position’: {‘time’: 1603135831}, ‘snr’: 8.75}
{‘num’: 2988158304, ‘user’: {‘id’: ‘!ac67b21bad60’, ‘longName’: ‘Dylan Hoen Car ad60’, ‘shortName’: ‘DHC’, ‘macaddr’: ‘rGeyG61g’}, ‘position’: {‘batteryLevel’: 100, ‘time’: 1603275878}, ‘snr’: 11.5}

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I have also seen a marker pop onto the map in the 1.1.5 app that was over 24 hours old, and then it disappeared off of the map a few minutes later. The GPSs seem to have a hard time getting GPS signal, even in a car that has a good view of the sky. What determines when a marker gets deleted off of the map? I used to see a lot more markers on the map with previous versions of the app/device software (I have 10 T-Beams).

1.1.6 of the android app is up on the alpha/beta google play channels. It contains a number of cool new things from mc-hamster and a bug fix for the bluetooth OTA software update. If a couple of ya’ll could try updating your devices using bluetooth that would be super helpful.

Also - the device loads included in the app (though not yet the github .bin releases) are now ‘universal’ regionless loads. This allows the app to be much smaller. During the upgrade process your existing region selection is preserved. Also the bootscreen now shows your region.

(Also I now have an actual desk once again (and out of quarantine), so I should be contributing more regularly now)

Dear alpha testers, please do not install this release over USB. If you could try installing it from the android app over bluetooth that would be preferred (I just fixed an android bug with software update)

Major changes.

  • @mc-hamster added his HTTPS server (woot!) (FIXME, add link to documentation on this new feature). This exposes our API over HTTPS and will eventually work with the meshtastic.js client side code. This was a lot of work.
  • @mc-hamster if your ESP32 is on wifi it will appear at http://meshtastic.local
  • @mc-hamster enabled the RX LNA for SX-1262 radios, which should help receive sensitivity a lot (i.e. range)
  • Make screens look a bit nicer on larger displays (make font size adjustable and relative positions on widgets)
  • Fix OTA bluetooth update while node is working as a router
  • Show current region on boot-screen
  • Software updates are now region independent (though for the time being initial installations still offer versions that are built for each particular region)
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Unfortunately I’m still getting update failed when trying to update over bluetooth (app 1.1.6, tbeams 1.1.5 trying to update to 1.1.6). It looks like the radio is going to sleep while the update is progressing. Also I concur with what @DylanHoen said about gps - I tried to do some range tests by having my home base radio in the window and a friend take the other on a walk - I only got 1 or 2 gps locations from my friend, and my home base radio only seems to have a location half of the time despite being in a window.

My heltec got at immediate “update failed” (i’m guessing this beta build doesn’t include heltec firmware?).

I tried updating my t-beam’s over BLE and it died part way through and didn’t update. I also tried updating while pushing the middle button repeatedly to see if that would keep it from sleeping and allow the update to succeed, but that died the same way and didn’t succeed.

Was able to update to 1.1.6 on app and firmware. I opted for beta on Play it installed 1.1.5, I gave it a couple minutes, killed Play, and went back to the Meshtastic app and it was able to update to 1.1.6. The BT update from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6 took 6 minutes.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that after an update fails, if I don’t force stop the app (vs just closing the activity in the app switcher), the app will immediately “update failed” for any further attempts to update. I have to long press the app and force stop it and restart it to get it to attempt another update.

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At first when I pushed the update button nothing happened. I had to force close the app to get the update to start. Maybe it was running the old service? It took 6 minutes to do the update from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6. The screen on the TBeam stayed on during the whole process.
I really like the debug tab. Very nice.

Just tried to update a non-gps t-lora the same way as the tbeam and the update will not start, button is there. The progress bar comes up and never progresses.

So I ended up updating both my tbeams using usb. Sent one out for a range test but it seems that a location fix from several days ago is showing on the map:

Also, both of my nodes are showing up in the list, but the mobile one (Stephen304 which also sent the stale coordinates) seems to not be sending any coordinates. My roommate is biking with it so there should be few obstructions preventing a gps fix.

I updated the app to 1.1.6, then updated my T-Beam to 1.1.6 over Bluetooth. It appeared to take longer than before, but I never timed it.
I tried to update another T-Beam, but I think the button was grayed out (I had seen this with previous versions). I killed the app, then started it again. I could click the update button, but it immediately said update successful without seeming to do anything. A few minutes later, I connected to that t-beam again, and it said it was now 1.1.6. Is it possible that the version number got changed somewhere, without doing the rest of the update?
Is there another feature I can test to verify it really is running 1.1.6?
I closed all apps and rebooted the phone and connected to that t-beam again and it still said that it was 1.1.6.
In the past, I had to kill the meshtastic app and reboot the phone between updating t-beams.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Using android 1.1.6 , I used over the air OTA on four tbeams:
two ver v 1.0 updated successfully from 0.9.3 to 1.1.6 , had to do android re-pairing to get them to update
two ver v.1.1 updated from 0.9.1 to 1.1.6

One thing changes, the gps red light seem to stay on solid with ‘no-sats/no-gps’ while it is sleeping, then starts normal fast red blink when ‘awake’ with 11 or 12 sats and communicating with either between tbeams or with a BLE to android phone, Is this normal ?

note: they are the m8n models

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I successfully updated over bluetooth a T-beam 1.0 from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6 (EU865).
The app crashed once without initiating the update (button not reactive). After restart, the button worked and the update was smooth.

Settings were kept, while I had to reconfigure them each time in the past when updating via usb.
Three more T-beams to go!

I tried the WIFI on the tbeam that I didn’t think was updated to 1.1.6, but I don’t think it worked:
meshtastic --set position_broadcast_secs 60 --set wait_bluetooth_secs 28800 --set wifi_ap_mode false --setstr censored_ssid --setstr wifi_password censored_26_character_password --info
“We can’t connect to the server at www.meshtastic.local.”
I tried to downgrade to 1.1.5 using the esphome-flasher, but it didn’t work at first. Eventually after unpluging usb cables and resetting tbeam, I got it to downgrade to 1.1.5. I think multiple programs were fighting over the com port.
I connected to it with my phone through bluetooth, and upgraded it to 1.1.6 again.

I tried enabling the wifi again, but my flakey home wifi network became even more flakey and my laptop got disconnected from the network for half an hour, until I connected it to an ethernet cable and rebooted the router.
http://www.meshtastic.local/ still didn’t work.
My router’s DHCP client table didn’t show any different entries with the TBeams off VS on, but I have a bunch of smart home switches that use ESP chips, so my client table is full of ESP_XXXXXX entries.

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I also setup wifi and can see if apply, but once the unit reboots and I run --info none of the settings are there under preferences.