Add CCSS & COMA to improve large mesh preformance?

Found this when I was looking at QMesh.

Coded Chirp Spread Spectrum (CCSS)

Forward Error Correction (FEC) is essential to getting reliable communications in the presence of the large amount of self-interference that occurs with synchronized flooding. As a result, QMesh implements a sophisticated form of FEC on top of LoRa, currently Reed-Solomon-Viterbi (RSV). RSV is a combination of convolutional coding concatenated with Reed-Solomon coding. Used in the past in such applications as interplanetary spacecraft, RSV increases communication reliability for both weak signals as well as against interference.

Chirp Offset Multiple Access (COMA)

Chirp Offset Multiple Access (COMA) is a technique that adds randomized, controlled offsets to CSS transmissions in order to reduce interference and allow the receiver to receive one of the transmissions. COMA adds offsets in two ways: by “wobbling” the center frequency of the transmission (up to +/-25%), and by adding a timing offset of up to one half of a symbol period.

LoRa has two potential ways to “spread out” transmissions in order to increase the likelihood of successful capture. The first technique involves spreading out transmit energy at the chip level. Given that LoRa chirps are not continuous frequency sweeps, but rather a series of discrete chirps, slightly shifting the frequencies of the chips should reduce their interference between them. Likewise, by shifting the chirps in frequency and/or time, it should be similarly possible to reduce the amount of interference between colliding packets and increase the likelihood of successful capture. Figures 2 and 3 show how frequency and time shift reduce overlap between transmissions and increase the likelihood of successful capture.